Minggu, 27 Januari 2019


Choose the incorrect answer, then give the right answerand the reason!


1.    The Kodak was the first camera designed  specifically for both mass production or
                              A                        B                C                                                D
amateur use.

Answer: D
It should be: And
Reason: because there is a word “both” before “mass production” and it should followed by and.

2.    Coral reefs are limestone formations composed of tiny sea organisms and the remains.
        A                             B                                                     C                           D
Answer: B
It should be: limestone formation
Reason:The information only contain of one information that is limestone, which is not plural.

3.    Most slugs and snails breathe using a lung which opens through a small hole
    A                                  B                                                                
In the side of its bodies.
        C                  D

Answer: B
It should be: which has opened
Reason: After “which” it cannot be verb.

4.     Frogs get much of their oxygen by means blood capillaries in the surface 
A                                 B                                       C
of the skin

It should be:on the surface
Reason:because the word “surface” implies the outer or top part so it should be ‘”on” and followed with the object. 

5.     The brain is made up of100 millions of neurons that differ from each other greatly 
A                         B                                        C                                              
In size and shape

Answer: B
It should be: 100 billion of neurons
Reason: because the brain is made up of 100 billion of neurons not 100 millions.

6.     During the 1700s, Philadelphia developed into the most wealthy city in the 
     A                                                    B                           C
American colonies

Answer: C
It should be: wealthiest
Reason: because it commons to use “wealthiest”. Wealthy is short adjective so it more suitable to use wealthiest.

7.     Octopuses have not only large brains andalso a well-developed nervoussystem
       A                                                    B          C           D

Answer: B
It should be: but
Reason: because this is parallel and “not only” is associated with “but also”.

8.     Science is the process of gathering knowledge and answering questions about the 
  A                              B                                                         C
world and how works it.

Answer: D
It should be: It works
Reason: The word “it” should’ve put before the word “works”. Because a verb should be following after pronoun.

9.     The development of voice recognition will enable the computer to respond to
A                         B                                         C
commands spoken.

Answer: D
It should be: command spoken
Reason: it is a to infinitive, so after the word “to” it should be following by verb infinitive (basic verb).

10.  Nails act as a hardbase for the sensitive skin of the fingertips and toe tips to press 
             A                             B
against, so they may help our sensitively to touch.
                                                         C            D

Answer: C
It should be: Sensitivity
Reason: because possessive adjective cannot be paired with adverb, so it should be noun.