Youth is the successor to the nation that has an important role to the nation. Youth must have a strong character to build the nation and the country, has a high personality, the spirit of nationalism, competitive spirit, able to understand the knowledge and technology globally. Inadvertently, the youth is the nation's hopes and dreams that we as youth need to be able to advance the state by way of knowledge, morals and more civilized. But this time, has begun to fade properties mentioned. Youth today are very knowledgeable but they do not have a good moral or civilized. There have been many negative cases involved youth. This is the great task of the youth in this era, to reconstruct the symptoms of loss of moral youth of the nation. today's youth must be able to prove it can be more immoral to hold religious values in his chest. Therefore, we as a nation of Indonesia which are based on Pancasila must understand and practice what is already listed on Pancasila. So that our country is not destroyed by the act of his own people. The role of youths here is to improve what already happened to not reoccur in the future. As youth, we should follow the spirit of the former fighters who never tired to lift their dignity.